First Year Completed but NO More Cadet Positions (HELP!)

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First Year Completed but NO More Cadet Positions (HELP!)

Post by Newbie »

Hello everyone,

It's been a very busy and fascinating year returning to school. I've since completed my first year but the downside is there appears to be a limited number of MARINE ENGINEERING CADET positions available for the 2011 summer term. I'm not giving up without a fight and have made extensive phone calls over the past few days but I'm hoping someone out there might know of a position available for a cadet for this upcoming term.

I realize it's late in the season but if anybody has some insider news as to a cancellation please respond to this posting.

I will gladly submit my resume to you.

I'm available as of May 20th and am free to relocate across Canada, the US as well provided she's flagged Canadian.

I have a Canadian passport, TC approved bill of health, marine book, all vaccinations, criminal background check, TC approved basic first aid and basic STCW.

Any news or advice would help if not it'll be a long summer working at the marina.


Bilgerat Newbie
Last edited by Newbie on Sun May 01, 2011 10:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: First Year Completed but More Cadet Positions (HELP!)

Post by Newbie »

WOW! Eleven views in no time but was wondering if it was from other cadets in the same position as I or was it actual employers?

Once again, if anybody has a lead or some free advice, it would greatly be appreciated.

I would like to add that I'm a mature person with extensive life experience and won't be crying for my mommy shortly after leaving shore.

Back to cold calls.

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Re: First Year Completed but More Cadet Positions (HELP!)

Post by Newbie »

Well everyone, I've been doing extensive cold calling and we'll say things look promising.

You get the usual "send your resumé to our HR department" but it's always a starting point and gets you into their system.

I'm amazed to see that the number of views to this post is growing, but once again no replies.

If it's other cadets looking, be sure to share your experiences as well.

If it helps, I'm ready to sail May 21st and I'm the kind of person to stick with the same company till the end.

In the past, I have maintained and repaired various pneumatic, hydraulic and electrical systems in a plant environment. I've also had technical training for sales on various heavy equipment such as JCB, Atlas Copco, Kohler and John Deere.

Back to some studies and maybe the phone will ring over the weekend.
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Re: First Year Completed but NO More Cadet Positions (HELP!)

Post by Newbie »

Twiddling thumbs, twiddling thumbs.

Everyone must be preoccupied with the CIMARE meeting in Victoria these upcoming days which should prove to be an amazing event with big player representation.

My mobile hasn't rung yet, have received a couple of replies via e-mail but nothing confirmed yet. "Please send your resume to our HR department" or "we're fully booked now, but call back in June" or "we're always accepting applications".

There is always lay ups where some sea time is better than none know where I'm coming from.

What is it they say about patience?

Back to the books.

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Re: First Year Completed but NO More Cadet Positions (HELP!)

Post by JK »

have you tried the manning companies that post on here?
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Re: First Year Completed but NO More Cadet Positions (HELP!)

Post by Newbie »

Thanks JK.

Looks like a new day of phone calls and e-mails after studies tomorrow.

How come overlooked that? Provided they aren't asking for any money upfront. Let's just say I fell for that one once when I was a young pup but now I'm hoping to turn into an old salty dawg.

Once again thanks JK
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Re: First Year Completed but NO More Cadet Positions (HELP!)

Post by JK »

try the government fleets. I don't know if they accept outside cadets but it is worth a try.
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Re: First Year Completed but NO More Cadet Positions (HELP!)

Post by Newbie »

Directed at JK.

Once again thank you for the wise words.

When you suggested "government fleet" were you referring to a Canadian fleet, which I can't seem to locate any information on or the group with operations in Australia and Ireland?

Your wisdom would be greatly appreciated.

I've been on the horn and I'm starting to be able to type with more than two fingers.

Must be the rainy weather.

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Re: First Year Completed but NO More Cadet Positions (HELP!)

Post by JK »

Are you Canadian?
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Re: First Year Completed but NO More Cadet Positions (HELP!)

Post by Newbie »

Yes I am and it is the country of my studies as well.

It's here where there seems to be a lack of cadet positions and not elsewhere in the world.

I've recently learned the rules and regulations with acquiring sea time in respect to the Canadian system. I won't go into all the details but let's just say it's an eye opener. Provided I can get in, as most countries prefer to employ cadets from their native lands, I'm starting to look abroad.

JK, you sure make that question sound like a bad thing, HAHAHAHA.

Alrighty everyone, here comes a new round of applications.

Newbie, still looking to become a bilge rat.
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Re: First Year Completed but NO More Cadet Positions (HELP!)

Post by JK »

I don't know if they'll accept you,but try the CG. You would have to contact every region's Marine superintendant. Just check the webpage for regional info. I don't know what the security regulations are but it is worth a try, they have some major ships.
Did you try BCFC?
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Re: First Year Completed but NO More Cadet Positions (HELP!)

Post by Newbie »


I never thought of giving the CG a try, so will do for certain.

BCFC representative told me they were completely booked for the season. I still submitted details.

Now I'm looking abroad.

Hopefully something will come through the pipes.

Gotta hit the books, some big exams coming up.

Thanks again for the knowledge.
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Re: First Year Completed but NO More Cadet Positions (HELP!)

Post by JK »

Try googling ship nostalgia, it is a huge UK forum that has a lot of posters familar with the international industry. You should get some responses there.
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Re: First Year Completed but NO More Cadet Positions (HELP!)

Post by Newbie »


Thanks again for the advice.

Signed up to that wonderful site as well as another.

I will definitely reply to this thread and the others should something come through the pipes.

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Re: First Year Completed but NO More Cadet Positions (HELP!)

Post by Newbie »

Salutations one and all.

The summer was short but I did end up locating a summer internship.

Had a wonderful experience, though my time was brief, and had a good relationship with the ship's customer toilets and their hydrophore system. Acquired great knowledge as to the importance of sea water cooling systems. Thankfully no major hiccups occurred while I was onboard, (to say that none occurred would be total BS and my credibility thrown overboard) but all in all would definitely recommend this as being one of the best jobs on the planet.

I'm not entirely keen to get back to the books for another session but excited about returning for 1 year of sea service.

Only suggestions I can provide to future cadets is to get in contact with possible employers ASAP and learn as much as you can about the companies prior to your application. Get to know and the companies' operations, vision, their fleet etc. This will only facilitate the hiring process.

Hopefully the second time around will be easier in locating an internship, which I believe shouldn't be as difficult because as I will be able to commit to a longer contract.

To all future cadets keep your head up and keep at'em because if I was able to locate an internship on my own so should you.

Thanks to all the old salty dogs who assisted me in my search. I guess I owe a few rounds?

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