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2018 Dec - CIMarE VIB XMas Social

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2018 4:49 pm
by The Dieselduck
The Vancouver Island Branch of the CIMarE is pleased to again invite members to a complimentary sit down pre-Christmas dinner at the Royal Victoria Yacht Club Thursday evening December 20, 2018 starting at 5:30. Your spouse, significant other or best friend is also invited. For additional guests there will be a nominal fee of $25 per guest.

Please RSVP Phil Dauphinee at the above email addresses [[email protected]] if you want to attend and the total number in your party.

We will need to have a definitive number of attendees by Wednesday December 12 and unfortunately we will have to pay for any no shows.

Royal Victoria Yacht Club 3475 Ripon Road off Beach Drive at the north end of the Uplands.

PLEASE bring donations of non-perishable food items for the Mustard Seed Food Bank

Phil Dauphinee
Victoria BC Canada