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3rd. Class Math Exam

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2020 8:25 pm
by Reznek
Just attempted the 3rd. class math exam. Not one question was from the questions posted here or the example questions from TC. there were 2 algebraic equations, two transposing an expression equations with given values, one question using pythagorean theorem to figure out how far two ships were from another ship after sailing at a certain speed for a certain time. One two part graphing question , one graphing a line on a graph and one question make an equation out of (0,1) (1,2) ( not the exact numbers ,just example) . One question figuring out a ships displacement from a bunch of given water planes squared and one distance between them all. And another that was directly out of the reeds book involving masses being directly proportional to the other. Also a 3 part question of simplifing equations, starting with an easy one and getting more difficult.