2015 Sept - CIMrE VIB monthly meeting

Planning an event? Heard of an interesting event? Want to share a milestone with the community? This is the place.
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The Dieselduck
Posts: 4164
Joined: Sun Jul 22, 2007 1:41 pm
Currently located: Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada (West Coast of Canada)

2015 Sept - CIMrE VIB monthly meeting

Post by The Dieselduck »

September Branch Meeting:

The first branch meeting of new meeting season will take place Wednesday September 16 at 7PM in the lower lounge of the Naden Naval Officers’ Wardroom near the dockyard entrance.

James Wadsworth – Marketing Director and Rodger Banister, VP of New Projects from Helm Operations will be giving a presentation on their operations and maintenance management software for workboat companies. Helm Operations, located in Victoria is a subsidiary of ClassNK, one of the world’s leading classification societies.

Members often arrive early to share a beverage with colleagues in the upper lounge. Guests and spouses are always welcome.

For the latest information on the branch events please go to the Vancouver Island Branch page of the CIMarE website –
http://www.cimare.ca/index.php/our-bran ... ver-island

Western Mariner Magazine - If you are paid up member and do not currently receive Western Mariner and want to, please advise by replying. If you do receive Western Mariner through the CIMarE VI subscription and no longer need to receive it, please advise by replying.

Stand By– Please consider contributing short articles for publication in the branch newsletter, which appears bi-monthly in Western Mariner. Articles can be accompanied by photographs.
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