David Leverton named Executive Director at MMBC

“The Maritime Museum of B.C. is happy to announce to its members the recent hiring of David R. Leverton as our new Executive Director,” announced Don Prittie, newly appointed Chair of the Board of Directors of the Maritime Museum of British Columbia. “We are so pleased to have David join the team at the Maritime Museum of BC as we move forward to chart our course for the future. David’s vast experience and passion for maritime heritage will be very beneficial in making the museum a significant contributor to the Capital Region and beyond moving forward. We welcome David aboard!”

Mr. Leverton has had an extensive professional career working in an executive capacity on behalf of several public facilities including science centers, museums and First Nation cultural and heritage centers across Canada. With over twenty-five years of boating experience in the Pacific northwest throughout Alaska and B.C. and as a former Power Squadron Commander and instructor, David is excited about having the opportunity to work with the Board, staff and volunteers.

“I am looking forward to having the opportunity to get to know all of our amazing team who have worked so tirelessly on behalf of the MMBC, especially during the most recent move. The preservation of our maritime history is important and it is great that we have so many dedicated individuals willing to support this endeavor,” said the new Executive Director.

3 Ways Around the World  –  Three Circumnavigators to tell their Adventures at a Maritime Museum of BC happening

Armchair voyagers will have a chance to join John Guzwell, Tony Gooch and Colin Angus for an evening of vicarious adventure. The event will take place March 10, 6:00pm, at the Vic Theatre in Victoria, located at 808 Douglas Street in Nootka Court.

CBC’s Gregor Craigie will host the happening.  The three gutsy adventurers will share their wild exploits, and show film and photos of how they covered a total of 75,000 nautical miles. The audience will be able to ask questions during the panel discussion.

There are plenty of people who’d consider it too risky to sail on Juan de Fuca Strait or go to Desolation Sound in a 19-footer. But John Guzwell took off in a homebuilt sailboat of that size in 1955. Leaving Victoria, he spent the following four years circumnavigating the world in Trekka. Along the way, he spent time with sailing pioneers Miles and Beryl Smeeton, and with them, pitchpoled off Cape Horn. His book, Trekka Round the World, first published in 1964, is still in print.

Tony Gooch was speedier in his circumnavigation. He sailed Taonui, at 13.3 metres big enough to provision for his 24,632 nautical mile, single-handed, non-stop voyage. It only took him 177 days. Despite a knockdown, the Cruising Club of America Bluewater Medal winner averaged 137 miles a day at a speed of 5.708 knots. He accomplished that feat despite the fact he couldn’t turn on an engine when the winds slumped.

Colin Angus believes in self-propelled travel. No fossil fuels, just muscle, perseverance, and in my mind, enormous courage. So besides rafting the Amazon, the Yenisey and other rivers, he opted to bike, row, ski, canoe and hike his way around the world. His route took him from Vancouver to Alaska, across the Bering Sea and the Siberian steppes in winter, across Europe from Moscow to Portugal, then across the Atlantic to Costa Rica in a 156-day rowing odyssey. From there, a “quick” 8,300km bike ride back to Vancouver completed his world circling.
After the presentation, the audience will be able to bid on “Armchair Adventures”, a series of local trips and nautical experiences including, kayaking, sailing, a floating B&B, a tour of Race Rocks Eco-Reserve and much more.

The $50 per person tickets include a drink and appies and can be obtained by visiting the Maritime Museum of BC, 634 Humboldt St., or by calling 250-385-4222 ext. 102. Credit cards are accepted. Seating is limited. Hurry!

Transport Canada and Australian Marine Safety certified Marine Engineer, over 25 years experience sailing professionally on commercial ships all over the world. Creator and editor of www.dieselduck.net. Father of three, based in Nanaimo, British Columbia.

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